
Step-by-Step Solutions for the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube

The 1×1 Rubik’s Cube, despite its seemingly simple appearance, holds a surprising charm for puzzle enthusiasts. While it may not require the complex algorithms of its larger sibling, the 3×3 cube, solving it offers a satisfying introduction to the world of Rubik’s Cubes. This guide will unveil the secrets to conquering this miniature marvel in four easy steps.

Part 1: Understanding the Challenge

Orientation Matters:

The 1×1 Rubik’s Cube presents a distinct challenge compared to its larger counterparts. Unlike the 3×3 cube where multiple sides can be completed simultaneously, the 1×1 cube only has one side. This unique attribute means that all six colored faces must converge on a single plane for the puzzle to be considered solved. This singular focus presents an interesting puzzle-solving dynamic, as each move directly impacts the one and only surface, requiring a different approach to visualization and strategy compared to larger cubes. This emphasizes the precision and accuracy required to align all colors on the single face correctly. As a result, solving the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube necessitates a concentrated and thoughtful approach to ensure that each move contributes to the convergence of colors on the sole surface, adding a distinct layer of intricacy to the solving process.

Rotation is Key:

Solving the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube poses a unique challenge because there are no layers to manipulate, as seen in larger Rubik’s Cubes. The entire puzzle relies solely on rotations of the entire unit. Mastering these rotations is crucial for maneuvering the single colored tile into the desired position. Unlike multi-layered puzzles, where each layer’s movements add complexity, the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube requires a different skill set. Focusing on the rotations of the entire unit allows individuals to develop a deep understanding of how the cube can be navigated to achieve the desired outcome. This specialized focus on maneuvering the singular colored tile provides a foundation for spatial awareness and precise movement execution, emphasizing the importance of control and accuracy in solving the puzzle. By mastering these rotations, individuals can build a solid foundation for solving the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube with precision and ease.

Part 2: Notation for Success

Before diving into the solution steps, let’s establish a common language for describing cube rotations. Here’s a breakdown of the basic notations:

x: Rotates the entire cube clockwise, bringing the top face to the front.
x’: Rotates the entire cube counter-clockwise, bringing the top face to the back.
y: Rotates the entire cube clockwise, bringing the right face to the front.
y’: Rotates the colored tile counter-clockwise, bringing the left face to the front.
z: Rotates the entire cube clockwise, bringing the front face down to the right.
z’: Rotates the entire cube counter-clockwise, bringing the front face down to the left.

Part 3: The Solution

Now that you understand the challenge and the notation, here’s the single algorithm you’ll need to solve the 1×1 cube:

Identifying the Misplaced Tile:

The first step is to locate the colored tile that’s not currently on the front face. This will be your target tile.


Maneuvering the Tile:

Depending on the initial position of the target tile, use one of the following rotations:

When solving the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube, the positioning of the target tile is crucial. If the target tile is located on the right or left face of the cube, a single y or y’ rotation, respectively, should be performed to bring the target tile to the front face, simplifying the puzzle.

Conversely, if the target tile is situated on the top or bottom face, a single x or x’ rotation, respectively, should be executed to bring the target tile to the front face, presenting it for easy manipulation towards the solution. These strategic rotations enable individuals to efficiently maneuver the single colored tile to the intended position, subsequently advancing their progress towards solving the cube. By understanding and implementing these specific rotations based on the location of the target tile, individuals can navigate the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube methodically and effectively, streamlining the solving process and enhancing their overall proficiency with the puzzle.

Part 4: Practice Makes Perfect

Solving the 1×1 cube is a breeze once you grasp the concept. Here are some tips to enhance your experience:

Practice Makes Perfect:

Mastering the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube is all about practice and repetition. By performing the solution steps repeatedly, individuals can internalize the necessary movements until they become second nature. This repetitive practice not only enhances muscle memory but also improves speed and accuracy in solving the puzzle. As individuals familiarize themselves with the specific rotations and movements required to solve the 1×1 cube, they can refine their techniques and develop a sense of comfort and confidence in their abilities. The process of repetition also allows individuals to identify potential areas for improvement, enabling them to fine-tune their approach and streamline their solving strategy. Continuously practicing the solution steps ensures that individuals can solve the 1×1 cube efficiently and effectively, ultimately achieving mastery over the puzzle. This dedicated approach to repetition not only yields improved performance but also fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation for the puzzle-solving process.

Challenge Yourself:

Once you’ve mastered the basic solution for the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube, it’s beneficial to experiment with different starting positions for the target tile. This practice will not only allow you to further refine your skills but also help you develop a deeper understanding of the rotations and their impact on the overall position of the colored tile. By varying the initial positions of the target tile, individuals can gain valuable insights into how different rotations influence the movement and placement of the singular colored piece, thereby enhancing their spatial reasoning and puzzle-solving abilities. Exploring these alternate starting positions will cultivate a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play within the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube, ultimately enabling individuals to approach the puzzle with increased versatility and strategic insight.


Congratulations! With these steps, you’ve unlocked the secrets of the 1×1 Rubik’s Cube. While it may be a small victory, it’s a stepping stone to tackling the more complex challenges presented by its larger counterparts. So, keep practicing, keep exploring, and have fun conquering the world of Rubik’s Cubes!