
Simple Rubik’s Cube Solving Techniques for Kids

The Rubik’s Cube, with its vibrant colors and seemingly impossible configurations, has captivated minds for generations. While solving it might seem daunting at first, with a little guidance, kids can unlock the secrets of this iconic puzzle. This article breaks down the process into four manageable parts, each focusing on specific steps, making it easier for young learners to conquer the cube.

Part 1: Building the White Cross


Identifying the Center Pieces:

To begin solving the Rubik’s Cube, the first step is to locate the six center pieces, with one center on each face of the cube. These center pieces are fixed and never move throughout the solving process. They act as a reference point for the cube, determining the color of each face. By identifying the center pieces, the solver can establish the starting point for solving the cube. Even as the other pieces are moved and rearranged in the solving process, the center pieces remain constant, serving as a guide for aligning the surrounding edge and corner pieces. Understanding and recognizing these fixed center pieces is essential for successfully navigating the more complex steps of solving the Rubik’s Cube. Therefore, while they may seem simple, the center pieces play a crucial role in the solving process.

Creating the White Cross:

Focus on the white face. Find four white edge pieces and position them so their white sides touch the white center piece, forming a cross shape. Use the “right over left” or “left over right” turning sequence to move these edge pieces into place.

Part 2: Positioning the White Corner Pieces

Identifying the White Corner Pieces:

When solving the Rubik’s Cube, the next step after locating the six center pieces is to focus on the four white corner pieces. These corner pieces have three colored sides and are crucial to the solving process. To continue, these white corner pieces should be placed on the top layer of the cube. The white side should align with the white center piece. Properly aligning these white corner pieces is essential. It sets the foundation for solving the entire white face of the cube, a significant step in the overall solving process. By positioning the white corners on the top layer and aligning them with the corresponding center piece, the solver lays the groundwork for progressing further in solving the Rubik’s Cube. This ultimately leads to the completion of the entire puzzle. Thus, careful attention to these steps is crucial for successfully solving the cube.

Matching Corner Colors:

While holding the white face up, turn the top layer until a colored side of a white corner piece matches the color of the center piece below it. Then, use a specific turning sequence (easily found online or in tutorials) to position that corner piece correctly. Repeat this process for all four white corner pieces.

Part 3: Completing the Second Layer

Identifying the Middle Layer:

The second layer consists of four colored edge pieces, each sandwiched between two different colored faces.


Matching and Inserting Edge Pieces:

Hold the completed white face and bottom layer facing you. Locate a middle layer edge piece and identify its two colors. Turn the top layer until the corresponding center pieces match those colors. Use a specific turning sequence (similar to the white cross) to insert the edge piece into its correct position in the middle layer. Repeat this process for all four middle layer edge pieces.

Part 4: Solving the Yellow Cross and Yellow Face

Forming the Yellow Cross:

With the white face and completed middle layer facing you, turn the top layer until a yellow edge piece is positioned above its corresponding yellow center piece. Use a specific turning sequence (easily found online) to move the other yellow edge pieces into place, forming a yellow cross on the top face.

Positioning and Orienting Yellow Corner Pieces:

Locate a yellow corner piece and identify the two colored sides. Turn the top layer until the corresponding center pieces match those colors. Then, use a specific turning sequence to position and orient the yellow corner piece correctly. Repeat this process for all four yellow corner pieces.


Additional Tips for Kids:

Practice Makes Perfect:

It is important not to get discouraged if it takes time to master each step of solving the Rubik’s Cube. Consistent practice is key to developing muscle memory and gaining the ability to solve the cube smoothly and efficiently. Each step of the solving process requires practice to become proficient, and it is natural for it to take time and perseverance to improve. Through dedicated and regular practice, it becomes easier to recognize patterns, make intuitive moves, and understand the relationships between different pieces on the cube. Over time, the movements become more fluid, and the solving process becomes more intuitive. Developing familiarity with the cube and its movements through consistent practice is crucial for enhancing speed and accuracy in solving. By remaining patient and committed to practicing, anyone can improve their speed and proficiency in solving the Rubik’s Cube.

Visual Aids:

To understand the turning sequences necessary for solving the Rubik’s Cube, it can be incredibly helpful to utilize online tutorials or diagrams. These resources provide visual aids that break down the sequences into manageable steps. This enables beginners to grasp the process more easily. Online tutorials and diagrams often cater specifically to beginners. They provide detailed explanations and demonstrations of the turning sequences required to solve the cube. These resources help in understanding the movements and algorithms involved in each step of the solving process. This makes it easier for individuals to learn and practice. By accessing these materials, beginners can gain a deeper comprehension of the sequential moves necessary for solving the Rubik’s Cube. Ultimately, this enhances their ability to solve it independently.

Celebrate Milestones:

Take pride in completing each stage, from building the white cross to finishing the yellow face. Acknowledge your progress and enjoy the sense of accomplishment.

Have Fun! Solving the Rubik’s Cube should be an enjoyable challenge. Approach it with a playful curiosity and focus on the satisfaction of conquering this iconic puzzle.

Remember, with dedication and these simple techniques, kids can unlock the magic of the Rubik’s Cube and experience the thrill of solving this timeless puzzle.